英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 20:08:58
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. use up (resources or materials)

e.g. this car consumes a lot of gas
We exhausted our savings
They run through 20 bottles of wine a week

Synonym: consumeeat upeatdepleteexhaustrun throughwipe out

2. require (time or space)

e.g. It took three hours to get to work this morning
This event occupied a very short time

Synonym: takeoccupy

1. 用完,耗尽:up to date 现代化的,切合目前情况的 | use up 用完,耗尽 | wait for 等候,等待

2. 用完,花完:turn up开大;出现,来到,发生 | use up用完,花完 | warm up变热

3. 用完,耗尽;花完:upwards of ...以上;多于... | use up 用完,耗尽;花完 | used to (过去)经常

  • 情景对话

Getting Cleaned up-(弄干净)

use up

A:Hey, Bob. I can't find my electric shaver.

use up

B:I`m sorry. I used it and I guess I put it on the top shelf with my stuff.

A:Yead,here it is. You might at least clean it up when you use it.The blade's dirty ang I still can't find the cord.
嗯,在这里。 你用过以后至少应该把它弄干净。刀片很脏,电线也还没有找到。

B:Stop complaining and start shaving. Breakfast'll be ready in about five minutes and you won't if you don't hurry.
别抱怨了, 快刮胡子吧。大约还有五分钟早饭就好了, 要不你就来不及吃早饭了。

A:Your eggs are already beginning to burn.

use up的意思

B:What kind of juice do you want?

A:Do we have a choice?

B:Sure. Tomato or V8.

use up在线翻译

A:Well you know how I feel about tomato. Surprise me.
嗯,你知道我对番茄汁的态度。 真使我意外!

Once these plants use up their stored reserve or tap out the underground supply, they cease growing and start to die.(一旦这些植物耗尽了它们的储备或者挖掘出了地下供给,它们就会停止生长并开始死亡。)
The less money you earn, the fewer resources you use up.(你赚钱越少,消耗的资源也越少。)
People who are heavy on the pedal use up to 37% more gas during every mile of city driving.(在市内每行驶一英里,那些使劲踩着油门开车的人会消耗多达37%的汽油。)
OK, I'll go with you if you promise not to use up all the money.(好吧,如果你保证不把钱都花光就和你去。)
Novices should go with one font, while experts can use up to five.(新手使用一种字体,专家可以使用五种以上的字体。)
You can purchase licenses for up to two physical sockets and use up to 8 processor cores.(您可以为最多两个物理插槽购买许可并使用最多8个处理器核。)
Suppose you want to escape the cold and use up your frequent flyer points to go Hawaii.(假设想要避开寒冷并花光所有的频繁飞行积分去夏威夷。)
I have constant time access which is great, but I paid a price, which is I had to use up some space.(我的访问时间现在是常数级别,这个非常的棒,但是我也付出了代价,不得不使用更多的空间,在整数的例子中。)
These features typically use up to 30 additional threads per JVM.(这些特性一般在每个JVM上会多使用30个额外线程。)
In reality, what backs the cash that we use up is the people of the country.(实际上,我们用的现金所代表的是全国人民。)
use up是什么意思 use up在线翻译 use up什么意思 use up的意思 use up的翻译 use up的解释 use up的发音 use up的同义词